
‘The east coast girls are hip and the mid-west farmers daughters really make you feel alright.’ It sounded exotic then and it still sounds exotic today. Even in an era of cheap flights and tacky package holidays, Brian Wilson and his chums still manage to make the warm, sandy dunes of Califronia sound like another world. Ever dig a French bikini on Hawaii island? A palm tree in the sand? No me neither, but somehow it felt like we ought Continue Reading


‘It is simply the reflection of an era in continual mutation, where a number of ‘initiates’ have decided that the time has finally come awaken consciousness’. Bollocks, more like. I would be letting you down if I was to describe this release as anything other than a monstrous cash-in on Dan Brown’s equally spurious and ill-conceived book “The Da Vinci Code“ (now a full-on blockbuster Hollywood epic starring the affable Tom Hanks) and I would be disappointing you still if Continue Reading