
Yestreen – Bearcraft

Label: Hottwerk

The longevity of any decade tends to be determined by two things: as few gorky fashion disasters as humanly possible and a non-negotiable preset of just 10 years. Anything after 10 years is another decade entirely. The 90s were not the 80s plus a few years extra, in the same way the 1960s were not the 1950s 12” extended play. Not that Bearcraft seems to have noticed. For Bearcraft, the world is still driving around in red Audi Quattros, boffins are still getting their heads ‘round the latest Commodore Computer, Dads are still fiddling with the dot-matrix printer and the Goomday Dance Band are still wreaking havoc in the charts. ‘Yestreen’ is the naff side of 80s-retro. Take a Damon Albarn accent, crush it with some appalling surrealism, throw at it any old analogue synth you have at hand, plug it into a laptop, squeeze it into a chunky Argyle sweater and bingo, you have this crock of shite; Max Tundra, but more hirsuit.

If Syd Barrett had thrown away his genius earlier, this is what it may have sounded like.

Release: Bearcraft - Yestreen
Review by:
Released: 25 October 2010